sql server - Show each row that is a duplicate -

i have table contains duplicate rows.for ex table

 originalurl                           newurl /blog                                 /blog es/blog                               es/blog blog                                  blog 

now duplicates follows


    originalurl                           newurl     /blog                                 /blog     blog                                  blog 

thanks "zohar peled" have achieved of through code http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/c96cc/5.

but when add blog without (/) duplicate shown above.but isn't happening code.so me achieve this

final update

after yet goal post shifting, i've updated cte again.
final update since if going change demands again i've had enough.
please take advice future questions:

  • defind problem can.
  • provide accurate table structure , sample data ddl+dml.
    don't link sqlfiddle suffers lot of downtime.
  • provide accurate expected output
  • show efforts solve problem.

here last updated cte, else remains in last update. sqlfiddle here.

;with cte (  select originalurl,         newurl,        right(originalurl,               len(originalurl) -                   charindex('/', originalurl,                      case when patindex('%://%/%', originalurl) > 0                          patindex('%://%/%', originalurl)+3                      else                         0                      end                  )+1              ) product mytable  ) 


updated sample data (again....)

-- create sample table , data.  -- ddl create table mytable (   originalurl varchar(50),   newurl varchar(50) ) -- dml   insert mytable values  ('/blog', '/blog'), ('http://gaming.corsair.com/blog', 'http://gaming.corsair.com/blog'), ('http://www.corsair.com/blog', 'http://www.corsair.com/blog'), ('http://www.corsair.com/es/blog', 'http://www.corsair.com/es/blog') 

i've updated cte include in 'product' last '/' char, product first 3 rows /blog, , last 1 it's /es/blog. after protocol , domain parts of url considered product now. note - should apply https , other protocol.

;with cte (  select originalurl,         newurl,        right(originalurl,               len(originalurl) -                   charindex('/', originalurl,                      patindex('%://%', originalurl)+3 -- location right after '://'                   )+1 -- location right after first / after patindex              ) product mytable  ) 

my query on new cte remain in last attempt:

select t1.originalurl, t1.newurl,t2.product  cte t1  inner join (     select product     cte     group product      having count(1) > 1 ) t2 on(t1.product = t2.product) 

here output:

originalurl                       newurl                            product --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /blog                             /blog                             /blog http://gaming.corsair.com/blog    http://gaming.corsair.com/blog    /blog http://www.corsair.com/blog       http://www.corsair.com/blog       /blog 

you can play on sqlfiddle.

earlier versions

so, duplicates mean rows have same string after last / in originalurl column?
if so, might want try this:

-- create sample table , data.  -- ddl create table mytable (   originalurl varchar(50),   newurl varchar(50) ) -- dml   insert mytable values  ('/blog', '/en-us/blog'), ('/blog', '/en-us/blog'), ('http://www.corsair.com/blog', 'http://www.corsair.com/blog'), ('http://gaming.corsair.com/blog', 'http://gaming.corsair.com/blog'), ('blablabla/blog', 'yadayada/blog'), ('i don''t see wrong this/answer', 'it seems working/fine'), ('unless my/answer', 'assumes duplicates else then/you'), ('300r', '300r') 

note: should use way provide sample data when asking questions sql.
way can copy ddl + dml sqlfiddle or our own environments , test answers give.

i've used cte insulate last word after last / in sample data, have write right expression once.

;with cte ( select originalurl,          newurl,         right(originalurl, case when charindex('/', originalurl) > 0                                charindex('/', reverse(originalurl))-1                            else                                 len(originalurl)                            end) product mytable  )  select distinct t1.originalurl, t1.newurl,t1.product  cte t1  inner join cte t2 on(t1.product = t2.product) t1.originalurl <> t2.originalurl  

using same cte, try this:

select t1.originalurl, t1.newurl,t2.product  cte t1  inner join (     select product     cte     group product      having count(1) > 1 ) t2 on(t1.product = t2.product) 


    originalurl                                        newurl                                             product     -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------     don't see wrong this/answer         seems working/fine                        answer     unless my/answer                                   assumes duplicates else then/you      answer     /blog                                              /en-us/blog                                        blog     /blog                                              /en-us/blog                                        blog     http://www.corsair.com/blog                        http://www.corsair.com/blog                        blog     http://gaming.corsair.com/blog                     http://gaming.corsair.com/blog                     blog     blablabla/blog                                     yadayada/blog                                      blog 


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