java - Migrate from WebSphere to Tomcat 7, No unique bean of type [com.m.g.tenancy.ITenantPlaceholderResolver] is defined: expected single bean but found 0 -

i'm relatively new spring , tomcat, attempting migrate web application websphere tomcat 7. i'm running many issues along way , tackling them 1 one. right i'm looking @ error , stumped:

15:05:15.362 [localhost-startstop-1] error c.m.g.t.tenantdispatcherservlet - not add tenant dc.hkg.sales.vnm, details org.springframework.beans.factory.nosuchbeandefinitionexception: no unique bean of type [com.m.gsp.tenancy.itenantplaceholderresolver] defined: expected single bean found 0:

this application worked in websphere , made 1 change xml files, tenant-context.xml contained line:

<import resource="classpath:/web-inf/core-context.xml" /> 

core-context.xml not found, changed to:

<import resource="classpath*:web-inf/core-context.xml" /> 

and appears core-context.xml can found above nosuchbeandefinitionexception. ideas?

m. deinum's comment pointed me in right direction, ended creating enviornment variable pointed web-inf directory.

in eclipse can accomplished double-clicking tomcat server in servers view, clicking 'open launch conifguration', , adding variable in 'enviornment' tab. variable set so:

webinfdir = file:/apache-tomcat-7.0.57/wtpwebapps/m-gsp-web/web-inf

then referenced variable in place of classpath

<import resource="${webinfdir}/core-context.xml" />

thanks input, everyone.


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