c# - silverlight map mousemove finished event -

i developing on silverlight. want raise event when move event of mouse finished.

radmap.mousemove += (s, e) =>             {                 var position = e.getposition(s radmap);                 var location = telerik.windows.controls.map.location.getcoordinates(radmap, position);                 currentmouselocation = string.format("{0}, {1}", location.latitude.tostring("f6"), location.longitude.tostring("f6"));             }; 

above mouse move event. when event finished, want raise event. did not find way perform it. can please me can done so.

thank you

you want detect when movement over. mouseevents can't tell whether user stopped moving further. have decide upon timespan used detect "movement stopped". on every mousemove have reset timer , when timer fires can raise own mousemovementstopped event.


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