chef - Get list of installed cookbooks along with their version -

i have server has been provisioned via chef. know cookbook versions have been installed on server.

being chef-newbee, worked around using grep following, know whether or not there official way of getting information.

sudo grep -e '^version|"version":' /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/*/metadata* 

is there chef command lists installed cookbooks along versions?

try following:

knife cookbook list | awk '{printf "knife cookbook show %s\n",$1}'| bash 

will print out versions associated each cookbook. example:

java   1.31.0  1.29.0 mysql   6.0.22  6.0.21 rbac   1.0.3 smf   2.2.6 yum   3.6.0 yum-mysql-community   0.1.17 


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