Laravel 5 View composer gives me an undefined variable error -

i using laravel 5, trying output categories variable view getting undefined variable error.

here code.

firstly in config/app.php:


in app/providers/appserviceprovider.php:

public function boot()     {         view::composer('', function($view)         {             $view->with('categories', category::all());         });     } 

in partials/menu.blade.php:

<ul>     <li>home</li>     @foreach($categories $category)         <li><a href="/store/category/{!! $category->id !!}">{!! $category->name !!}</a></li>     @endforeach     <li>basket</li>     <li>checkout</li>     <li>contact us</li> </ul> 

and in store/products.php:


the exact error is: undefined variable: categories resolving appreciated.


i think method "with" accepts array argument, instead try !

$categories = categories::all(); $view->with(compact('categories')); 


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