ios - Cocoa Touch Framework - Parent App communication -

i building cocoa touch framework provide users services login app. framework used third party apps , use service login (yes indeed facebook framework)

project overview:

  1. an application (let's call 'parent app') written using swift, offers service login.
  2. a cocoa touch framework written using swift, invokes parent app use login service.

only requirement when parent app logout third party app (integrated framework) using login service should logout.


  • option 1: how can trigger notification parent app third party apps integrated framework?
  • option 2: how can share data (login status) between parent app framework, when third party app launched, can read data stored in it?

ps: cannot specify entitlements framework , third party apps(which developed other developer), believe cannot share keychain / user defaults. , url schema cannot used share data launches third party apps.

do think have other options handle this?

as per ios 8.3 dont have thing handle this. unless user experience compromised url schema method.

may in future... ios 9?


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