java - How to filter DBpedia results in SPARQL -

i have little problem... if have simple sparql query

select ?abstract  { <> <> ?abstract. filter langmatches( lang(?abstract), 'en')} 

i have result: sparql result , has non-english character... there idea how remove them , retrieve english words?

you'll need define characters want , don't want in result, can use replace replace characters outside of range with, e.g., empty strings. if wanted exclude basic latin, latin-1 supplement, latin extended-a, , latin extended-b ranges, (which ends being \u0000–\u024f) following:

select ?abstract ?cleanabstract {   dbpedia:mitsubishi dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract    filter langmatches( lang(?abstract), 'en')   bind(replace(?abstract,"[^\\x{0000}-\\x{024f}]","") ?cleanabstract) } 

sparql results

or simpler:

select (replace(?abstract_,"[^\\x{0000}-\\x{024f}]","") ?abstract) {   dbpedia:mitsubishi dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract_   filter langmatches(lang(?abstract_), 'en') } 

sparql results

the mitsubishi group (, mitsubishi gurūpu) (also known mitsubishi group of companies or mitsubishi companies) group of autonomous japanese multinational companies covering range of businesses share mitsubishi brand, trademark, , legacy.the mitsubishi group of companies form loose entity, mitsubishi keiretsu, referenced in japanese , media , official reports; in general these companies descend zaibatsu of same name. top 25 companies members of mitsubishi kin'yōkai, or "friday club", , meet monthly. in addition committee exists facilitate communication , access of mitsubishi brand through portal web site.

you may find latin script in unicode wikipedia article useful.


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