antlr - ANTLR3 Resolving Grammar With non-LL(*) decisions -

as homework should create parser vc language v10.1 using antlr. here work:

grammar myvcgrm2; program :   ( funcdecl | vardecl )*     ; funcdecl : type identifier paralist compoundstmt     ; vardecl     :   type initdeclaratorlist ';'     ;  initdeclaratorlist     :    initdeclarator ( ',' initdeclarator )*      ; initdeclarator     :   declarator ( '=' initialiser )?     ; declarator     :   identifier identifier2      ;  identifier2     :   |'[' intliteral? ']'     ;  initialiser     :   expr                 |  '{' expr ( ',' expr ) *  '}'     ; // primitive types type     :   'void' | 'boolean' | 'int' | 'float'     ; // identifiers identifier     :   id     ; // statements compoundstmt     :   '{' vardecl*  stmt* '}'     ; stmt     :        compoundstmt         |  ifstmt         |  forstmt         |  whilestmt         |  breakstmt         |  continuestmt         |  returnstmt     |  exprstmt     ; ifstmt     :   'if' '(' expr ')' stmt ( 'else' stmt )?     ; forstmt     :   'for' '(' expr? ';' expr? ';' expr? ')' stmt     ; whilestmt     :   'while' '(' expr ')' stmt     ; breakstmt     :   'break' ';'     ; continuestmt     :   'continue' ';'     ; returnstmt     :   'return' expr? ';'     ; exprstmt     :   expr? ';'     ; // expressions expr     :   assignmentexpr     ; assignmentexpr     :   ( condorexpr '=' )*  condorexpr     ; condorexpr     :   condandexpr condorexpr2     ; condorexpr2     :   '||' condandexpr condorexpr         |     ; condandexpr     :   equalityexpr condandexpr2      ; condandexpr2     :   '&&' equalityexpr condandexpr2|      ; equalityexpr     :   relexpr equalityexpr2     ; equalityexpr2     :   '==' relexpr equalityexpr2 | '!=' relexpr equalityexpr2|     ; relexpr     :       additiveexpr relexpr2      ; relexpr2     :   '<' additiveexpr relexpr | '<=' additiveexpr relexpr | '>' additiveexpr relexpr|  '>=' additiveexpr relexpr|      ; additiveexpr     :         multiplicativeexpr additiveexpr2     ; additiveexpr2     :         '+' multiplicativeexpr additiveexpr2         | '-' multiplicativeexpr additiveexpr2         |     ; multiplicativeexpr     :         unaryexpr multiplicativeexpr2      ; multiplicativeexpr2     :         '*' unaryexpr multiplicativeexpr2         | '/' unaryexpr multiplicativeexpr2         |     ; unaryexpr     :   '+' unaryexpr                 |  '-' unaryexpr                 |  '!' unaryexpr                 |  primaryexpr     ; primaryexpr     :   identifier primaryexpr2             | '(' expr ')'                 | intliteral                 | floatliteral                 | boolliteral                 | stringliteral     ; primaryexpr2     :   arglist?                  | '[' expr ']'     ; // parameters paralist     :   '(' properparalist? ')'     ; properparalist     :   paradecl ( ',' paradecl ) *     ; paradecl     :   type declarator     ; arglist     :'(' properarglist? ')'     ; properarglist     :   arg ( ',' arg ) *     ; arg     :   expr     ; boolliteral      :   'true'|'false'     ;  id  :   ('a'..'z'|'a'..'z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'?')*     ;  intliteral :    '0'..'9'+     ;  floatliteral     :   ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* exponent?     |   '.' ('0'..'9')+ exponent?     |   ('0'..'9')+ exponent     ;  comment     :   '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=hidden;}     |   '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=hidden;}     ;  ws  :   ( ' '         | '\t'         | '\r'         | '\n'         ) {$channel=hidden;}     ;  stringliteral     :  '"' ( esc_seq | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'     ;  char:  '\'' ( esc_seq | ~('\''|'\\') ) '\''     ;  fragment exponent : ('e'|'e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;  fragment hex_digit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'a'..'f') ;  fragment esc_seq     :   '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\')     |   unicode_esc     |   octal_esc     ;  fragment octal_esc     :   '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')     |   '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')     |   '\\' ('0'..'7')     ;  fragment unicode_esc     :   '\\' 'u' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit     ; 

but when trying generate code got these errors in console:

[13:48:38] checking grammar myvcgrm2.g... [13:48:38] warning(200): myvcgrm2.g:53:27:  decision can match input such "'else'" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2  result, alternative(s) 2 disabled input [13:48:38] error(211): myvcgrm2.g:78:21: [fatal] rule assignmentexpr has non-ll(*) decision due recursive rule invocations reachable alts 1,2.  resolve left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option. [13:48:38] error(211): myvcgrm2.g:111:2: [fatal] rule additiveexpr2 has non-ll(*) decision due recursive rule invocations reachable alts 1,3.  resolve left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option. [13:48:38] warning(200): myvcgrm2.g:111:2:  decision can match input such "'+' id" using multiple alternatives: 1, 3  result, alternative(s) 3 disabled input [13:48:38] error(211): myvcgrm2.g:142:5: [fatal] rule primaryexpr2 has non-ll(*) decision due recursive rule invocations reachable alts 1,2.  resolve left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option. 

warnings , errors these productions (in order): ifstmt, assignmentexpr, additiveexpr2, primaryexpr2.
i've done left factorings , left recursion eliminations. don't understand antlr meant "resolve left-factoring". why these errors , how resolve them? thank you


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