jersey - Why the session attribute is coming as null -

a html5 ui connected backend (rest jersey business logic hibernate , db). need create , maintain session each user login until user logs out.

i clueless on how approach problem.

i followed approach

initially when user logs in , setting attribute under session shown below

httpsession session = request.getsession(true); session.setattribute("islogged", "islogged"); string value = (string)session.getattribute("islogged"); system.out.println("****************** user logge in value"+value);  

later in different page checking if user logged in or not way

public string checkifuserloggedin() throws jsonexception,classnotfoundexception, sqlexception     {         httpsession session = request.getsession();          string value = (string)session.getattribute("islogged");          if(value==null)         {             // coming here          }      } 

i agree francesco foresti, please not rely on http session without auth. unsafe, , quite dangerous app.

have been implementing specific session mecanism ? if not, jersey not store session data it. every call make give session id different yours. have make authentication & use auth token in order identify session.

  1. use jax-rs please use auth mecanism defined :

    @path("authentication") @singleton public static class myresource {     // jersey inject proxy of security context     @context     securitycontext securitycontext;      @get     public string getuserprincipal() {         return securitycontext.getuserprincipal().getname();     } } 
  2. or use framework : spring, shiro.... etc. prefer solution, since framework implement lot of stuff you. gain lot of time doing so.

please take official jersey doc:


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