python - TypeError: attack() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' -

hi im getting error

typeerror: attack() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' 

and code

class enemmy :     life = 3     self = ""     def attack(self):         print ("ouch!!!!") -= 1      def checklife(self):         if <= 0 :             print ("dead")         else:             print (  enemy=enemmy enemy.attack() 

i checked , looked places says forgot self in def attack or need make obj put class in im useing python 3.4 py charm got code tutorial , dont know mistake

you're not instantiating enemy class. creating new reference class itself. when try , call method, calling without instance, supposed go self parameter of attack().


enemy = enemy 


enemy = enemy() 

also (as pointed out in kevin in comments) enemy class should have init method initialise fields. e.g.

class enemy:     def __init__(self): = 3     ... 


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