c# - Castle.Windsor IoC-container specific configuration -

i have chosen castle.windsor ioc container app. first ioc expirience need advice configuring it.

the root class of app scheduler. plans , performs different kinds of "jobs". each job implements iworker interface, decided inject list<iworker> scheduler. there many kind of "jobs" later, there two: cleaner , writer. scheduler needs single instance of cleaner, default singleton lifestyle ok. need inject number of writers depends on count of xml files in folder. optimal pattern achieve in case?

configuring container:

var container = new windsorcontainer(); // ilist injecting container.kernel.resolver.addsubresolver(new listresolver(container.kernel, true)); // registering scheduler container.register(castleregistration.component.for<ischeduler>().implementedby<scheduler>); // registering workers container.register(castleregistration.component.for<iworker>().implementedby<writer>()); container.register(castleregistration.component.for<iworker>().implementedby<writer>()); // ... there multiple writers depends on xml files count container.register(castleregistration.component.for<iworker>().implementedby<cleaner>()); // resolving var sched = container.resolve<ischeduler>(); 


public class scheduler : ischeduler {     public ilist<iworker> workers { get; set; }      public scheduler(ilist<iworker> workers)     {         workers = workers;     } } 


public class writer : iworker {     public string source { get; set; }      public writer()     {     }      public writer(string source)     {         source = source;     } } 


public class cleaner : iworker {     public cleaner()     {     } } 

update: need pass parameter object (deserialized xml) in each of parsers. should use foreach loop in container configuration? can windsor's typed factory here? need guideline.

basically want along these lines:

public class writerfactory : iwriterfactory {     public writer create(string filename)     {         return new writer(filename);         //if writers have other dependencies inject factory via constructor , use them here     } } 

then register factory


then anywhere need create writer take dependency on iwriterfactory in constructor


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