javascript - how to resolve my unit test issue -

i trying build unit test case

i have in controller like

$scope.getdetail = function(name) {     //other codes     //using testfactory details     testfactory.getdetail(name).then(function(detail){         console.log(detail)     })     //other codes } 

factory file

var factory = {}; factory.getdetail = function(name) {     //calculate…etc     return details; } return factory; 

unit test file

describe('controller', function () {     var testctrl, scope, testfactory;     beforeeach(module('testapp'));      beforeeach(inject(function (_$controller_, _$rootscope_, _testfactory_) {         scope = _$rootscope_.$new();         testfactory = _testfactory_;          testctrl = _$controller_('testctrl', {             $scope: scope         });     };          var name = 'test';         spyon(testfactory, 'getdetail').and.callfake(function(name) {             return 'success';         });           it('should details', function() {             var result =  testfactory.getdetail(name);             expect(result).tobetruthy();          })     })); 

i getting

undefined' not function (evaluating 'testfactory.getdetail(name)' error. 

can me solve this? not sure went wrong. lot!


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