php - Sagepay Error - 3045 : The Currency field is missing -

please not mark duplicate. have gone through previous post same issue, not able tackle error.
trying upgrade sagepay protocol v2.23 v3.00
have deployed php kit provided sagepay , getting same error.
below aes encryption using make compatible v3.00 in includes.php
guidance appreciated.

<?   /* base 64 encoding function ** ** php natively consistency , ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/ function base64encode($plain) {   // initialise output variable   $output = "";    // encoding   $output = base64_encode($plain);    // return result   return $output; }  /* base 64 decoding function ** ** php natively consistency , ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/ function base64decode($scrambled) {   // initialise output variable   $output = "";    // fix plus space conversion issue   $scrambled = str_replace(" ","+",$scrambled);    // encoding   $output = base64_decode($scrambled);    // return result   return $output; }   /*  simplexor encryption algorithm                                                                                ** **  note: placeholder really.  future releases of form use aes or twofish.  proper encryption      ** **  simple function , base64 deter script kiddies , prevent "view source" type tampering        ** **  won't stop half decent hacker though, change amount field     ** **  else, provided vendor checks reports , compares amounts, there no harm done.  it's still          ** **  more secure other psps don't both encrypting forms @                                      */  function simplexor($instring, $key) {   // initialise key array   $keylist = array();   // initialise out variable   $output = "";    // convert $key array of ascii values   for($i = 0; $i < strlen($key); $i++){     $keylist[$i] = ord(substr($key, $i, 1));   }    // step through string character @ time   for($i = 0; $i < strlen($instring); $i++) {     // ascii code string, ascii code key (loop through mod), xor two, character result     // % mod (modulus), ^ xor     $output.= chr(ord(substr($instring, $i, 1)) ^ ($keylist[$i % strlen($key)]));   }    // return result   return $output; }   //** wrapper function encrypt encode based on strencryptiontype setting ** function encryptandencode($strpost) {          global $strencryptiontype               ,$strencryptionpassword;          if ($strencryptiontype=="xor")          {                 //** xor encryption base64 encoding **                 return base64encode(simplexor($strpost,$strencryptionpassword));         }          else          {                 //** aes encryption, cbc blocking pkcs5 padding hex encoding - default **                  //** use initialization vector (iv) set $strencryptionpassword         $striv = $strencryptionpassword;          //** add pkcs5 padding text encypted         $strpost = addpkcs5padding($strpost);          //** perform encryption php's mcrypt module                 $strcrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(mcrypt_rijndael_128, $strencryptionpassword, $strpost, mcrypt_mode_cbc, $striv);                  //** perform hex encoding , return                 return "@" . bin2hex($strcrypt);         } }   //** wrapper function decode decrypt based on header of encrypted field ** function decodeanddecrypt($strpost) {          global $strencryptionpassword;          if (substr($strpost,0,1)=="@")          {                 //** hex decoding aes decryption, cbc blocking pkcs5 padding - default **                  //** use initialization vector (iv) set $strencryptionpassword         $striv = $strencryptionpassword;          //** remove first char @ flag aes encrypted         $strpost = substr($strpost,1);           //** hex decoding         $strpost = pack('h*', $strpost);          //** perform decryption php's mcrypt module                 return mcrypt_decrypt(mcrypt_rijndael_128, $strencryptionpassword, $strpost, mcrypt_mode_cbc, $striv);          }          else          {                 //** base 64 decoding plus xor decryption **                 return simplexor(base64decode($strpost),$strencryptionpassword);         } }   //** php's mcrypt not have built in pkcs5 padding, use function addpkcs5padding($input) {    $blocksize = 16;    $padding = "";     // pad input block size boundary    $padlength = $blocksize - (strlen($input) % $blocksize);    for($i = 1; $i <= $padlength; $i++) {       $padding .= chr($padlength);    }     return $input . $padding; }  /************* function pkcs5_pad($text, $blocksize)     {         $pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);         //echo "<br/>padding:".str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad)."<";         return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);     }      function encryptfielddata($input)     {         $key = "[mykey]";         $iv = $key;          $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(mcrypt_rijndael_128, "", mcrypt_mode_cbc, "");         if (mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $key, $iv) != -1)         {             $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$input );             mcrypt_generic_deinit($cipher);              $enc = bin2hex($ciphertext);         }         return $enc;     }     $str = "currency=gbp";     $datapadded = pkcs5_pad($str,16);     $cryptpadded = "@" . encryptfielddata($datapadded); *************************/  ?> 

have checked encryption password correct? 3045 first error thrown if password wrong. not nuts sounds - encryption passwords different between test , live.....



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