android - Memory leak when loading bitmaps from path in viewholder -

i'm trying find out ages why got memory leak in viewholder of listview.

the strange part when setting imageview (coveriv) ((bitmapdrawable)_activity.resources.getdrawable(resource.drawable.splash)).bitmap, there's no problem @ all.

when use await imageloader.decodesampledbitmapfromresourceasync (localimagelocation, imgwidth, imgheight) ,there's huge memory leak each time scroll bit in listview

i tried finding references memory analyzer tool there none... although mat says problem bitmaps

public void imageloaded(string localimagelocation) {             int screenwidth = _activity.resources.displaymetrics.widthpixels;             int imgwidth = screenwidth - (int)convertdptopix (32f);             int imgheight = (int)(convertdptopix(206f));              bundleprogress.visibility = viewstates.gone;              if (coveriv.drawable != null)             {                             ((bitmapdrawable)coveriv.drawable).bitmap.recycle ();                             ((bitmapdrawable)coveriv.drawable).bitmap.dispose ();                             coveriv.setimagedrawable (null);             }              coveriv.setimagebitmap              (              //memoryleak:   await imageloader.decodesampledbitmapfromresourceasync  (localimagelocation, imgwidth, imgheight)                 ((bitmapdrawable)_activity.resources.getdrawable(resource.drawable.splash)).bitmap             ); 

the methods in imageloader class:

        public static async task<bitmap> decodesampledbitmapfromresourceasync (string path,int reqwidth, int reqheight)             {              // first decode injustdecodebounds=true check dimensions of image             bitmapfactory.options options = new bitmapfactory.options();             options.injustdecodebounds = true;             bitmap bitmap = await bitmapfactory.decodefileasync(path, options);              // calculate insamplesize             options.insamplesize = calculateinsamplesize(options, reqwidth,                 reqheight);              // decode bitmap insamplesize set             options.injustdecodebounds = false;             options.inpreferredconfig = bitmap.config.argb8888;             //options.indither = true;              return await bitmapfactory.decodefileasync(path, options);         }        public static int calculateinsamplesize(bitmapfactory.options options, int reqwidth, int reqheight)         {             // raw height , width of image             float height = options.outheight;             float width = options.outwidth;             double insamplesize = 1d;              if (height > reqheight || width > reqwidth)             {                 int halfheight = (int)(height / 2);                 int halfwidth = (int)(width / 2);                  // calculate insamplesize power of 2 - decoder use value power of 2 anyway.                 while ((halfheight / insamplesize) > reqheight && (halfwidth / insamplesize) > reqwidth)                 {                     insamplesize *= 2;                 }             }              return (int)insamplesize;         } 

the adapter:

public override view getview (int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent)     {         basebundelvo bundle = _bundles [position];          dsbundlelistitem bundleholder = null;         dsbundlearchiveitem archiveholder = null;          int type = getitemviewtype(position);         if (convertview == null)         {             bundleholder = new dsbundlelistitem (_activity.applicationcontext);             archiveholder = new dsbundlearchiveitem (_activity.applicationcontext);              switch (type)              {             case 0:                 convertview = _activity.layoutinflater.inflate (resource.layout.dsbundlelistitem, null);                 bundleholder.iconiv = convertview.findviewbyid<imageview> (;                 bundleholder.coveriv = convertview.findviewbyid<imageview> (;                 bundleholder.covertitletv = convertview.findviewbyid<textview> (;                 bundleholder.coversubtitletv = convertview.findviewbyid<textview> (;                 bundleholder.bundleprogress = convertview.findviewbyid<progressbar> (;                 convertview.tag = bundleholder;                 break;              case 1:                 convertview = _activity.layoutinflater.inflate (resource.layout.dsbundlearchiveitem, null);                 archiveholder.archivetitletv = convertview.findviewbyid<textview> (;                 archiveholder.archivesubtitletv = convertview.findviewbyid<textview> (;                 convertview.tag = archiveholder;                 break;              }          }          else          {             switch (type)              {             case 0:                 bundleholder = (dsbundlelistitem)convertview.tag;             break;              case 1:                 archiveholder = (dsbundlearchiveitem)convertview.tag;             break;              }         }          switch (type)          {         case 0:             bundleholder.covertitletv.text = bundle.title;             bundleholder.coversubtitletv.text = bundle.subtitle;              bundleholder.coveriv.setimagedrawable (null);             bundleholder.iconiv.setimagedrawable (null);              bundleholder.loadimage(bundle.coverimagelocation,bundle.icon);             break;          case 1:             archiveholder.archivetitletv.text    = "archief";             archiveholder.archivesubtitletv.text = "bekijk onze eerder verschenen publicaties";             break;          }          return convertview;     }      public void setdata(list<basebundelvo> bundles)     {         _bundles.clear ();         _bundles.addrange(bundles);     } 

use the picasso library when using images, works wonders!


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