Loop through folder using array to find lastest version (count) with VBA? -

i have attached code, however, find files present in folder.
want have incremental counter files. thing version start else 0 or 1, e.g. 3.
amesto non suppliers test w20-3 an want next string 4.

i using this, work if 1 first, etc. stuck.

' version check     while len(dir(strpath2 & "amesto non suppliers test w" & week & "-" & version & "*.cif")) <> 0         version = version + 1         strpath = getdirectorypath & "amesto non suppliers test w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".cif"     loop   sub loadversion() dim myfile string dim counter long  'create dynamic array variable, , declare initial size dim directorylistarray() string redim directorylistarray(1000)  'loop through files in directory using dir$ function myfile = dir$("c:\users\niclas.madsen\desktop\ap\wave3\cif\*.*") while myfile <> ""     directorylistarray(counter) = myfile     myfile = dir$     counter = counter + 1 loop  ' here?! if myfile = vbnullstring  else  end if   'reset size of array without losing values using redim preserve redim preserve directorylistarray(counter - 1)  counter = 0 ubound(directorylistarray)     'debug.print writes results immediate window (press ctrl + g view it)'     debug.print directorylistarray(counter) next counter  end sub 

to highest version on filename in directory, insert following functions:

function checkhighestversion(path string, cutlettersatwordbeginning integer) integer     dim file variant     dim tobecut string     dim verlength integer     dim highestversion integer     highestversion = 0     file = dir(path)      while (file <> "")         tobecut = file         tobecut = mid(tobecut, cutlettersatwordbeginning + 1)         verlength = findverlength(tobecut)         if verlength = -1             checkhighestversion = 0             exit function         end if         tobecut = left(tobecut, verlength)         if val(tobecut) > highestversion             highestversion = val(tobecut)         end if         file = dir     wend     checkhighestversion = highestversion end function  function findverlength(filename string) integer     dim integer     = 1 len(filename)         if not isnumeric(mid(filename, i, 1))             if = 1                 msgbox "couldn't obtain highest version of files: " & _                 "the first letter of version not numeric. letter " & mid(filename, i, 1) & _                 ". please use correct amount of letters cut @ beginning of file name."                 findverlength = -1                 exit function             end if             findverlength = - 1             exit function         end if     next     findverlength = end function 

call checkhighestversion in sub. path directory (e.g. c:\test\ ), second parameter number of letters don't need @ beginning of word. if counted correctly, value should 30+(length of week, week 25 2, week 7 1) in case. function returns highest version contained in folder.


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