javascript - Kendo MVC Bar Charts / Column chart CategoryAxis Fit day -

i'm facing problem while using kendo mvc bar charts / column chart.

in categoryaxis, put date values. if choose ".baseunit(chartaxisbaseunit.days)" option in categoryaxis, date values of month including days there no value.

is there way hide days there no value ?


here have;

<%= html.kendo().chart<dafydac.models.kpis.historyelecconsumpview>()     .name("kilovat")     .datasource(datasource => datasource         .sort(sort => sort.add(model => model.hec_date).ascending())     )     .series(series =>     {         series.column(model => model.hec_power).name("power (kva)");         series.column(model => model.hec_consumption).name("elec. consump. (kvh)");     })     .categoryaxis(axis => axis         .date()         .labels(l=>l.template("#= kendo.tostring(value, 'dd/mm/yyyy')#"))         .title("month")         .categories(model => model.hec_date)         .color("black")         .baseunit(chartaxisbaseunit.days)         .axiscrossingvalue(0,40)         .labels(labels => labels.rotation(-50))         .majorgridlines(lines => lines.visible(true))     )    .valueaxis(axis => axis.numeric("kva")        .title("power (kva)")         .labels(labels => labels             .format("{0}")         )     ) %> 

here json data:

0: {data_center: "ci1", customer: "mycustomer", hec_date: "02/02/2015", hec_year: 2015,…} 1: {data_center: "ci1", customer: "mycustomer", hec_date: "02/03/2015", hec_year: 2015,…} 2: {data_center: "ci1", customer: "mycustomer", hec_date: "01/04/2015", hec_year: 2015,…} 3: {data_center: "ci1", customer: "mycustomer", hec_date: "30/04/2015", hec_year: 2015,…} 

i found solution. not using date() method inside categoryaxis(). consider date values "string" values. format date , display it. have sorted date values (ascending order), handle in server side.

// server side

public actionresult elecconsumpercustomer_read([datasourcerequest] datasourcerequest request, string customer, string datacenter, string year) {    list < historyelecconsumpview > list = historyecrepository.instance.gethecdatapercustomer(customer, datacenter);      return json(list.where(ec => ec.hec_date.year.tostring() == year).orderby(ec => ec.hec_date).thenby(ec =>, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);  }

// client side

<%= html.kendo().chart < dafydac.models.kpis.historyelecconsumpview > ()    .name("kilovat").title(title => {      title.text("kilovat data").font("16px open sans, sans-serif").color("black");      title.position(charttitleposition.bottom);    })    .legend(legend => legend.position(chartlegendposition.right).font("open sans, sans-serif"))    .datasource(datasource => datasource.sort(sort => sort.add(model => model.hec_date).ascending()))    .series(series => {      series.column(model => model.hec_power).name("power (kva)").color("#17c809").axis("kva").labels(l => {        l.visible(true);        l.background("transparent");      }); //.categoryfield("date");      series.column(model => model.hec_consumption).name("elec. consump. (kvh)").color("#147c0c").axis("kvh").labels(l => {        l.visible(true);        l.background("transparent");      }); //.categoryfield("date");    })    .chartarea(chartarea => {      chartarea.background("#f3f5f7");    })    .categoryaxis(axis => axis      .labels(l => l.template("#= kendo.tostring(todate(value), 'd/m/yy') #  (#= #)  ").font("open sans, sans-serif"))      .title("month")      .categories(model => model.hec_date)      .color("black")      .axiscrossingvalue(0, 40)      .labels(labels => labels.font("open sans, sans-serif").rotation(-25))      .majorgridlines(lines => lines.visible(true))    )    .theme("metro")    .valueaxis(axis => axis.numeric("kva").title(t => t.text("power (kva)").font("16px open sans, sans-serif")).labels(labels => labels.font("open sans, sans-serif").format("{0}")).color("#17c809"))    .valueaxis(axis => axis.numeric("kvh").title(t => t.text("elec. consump. (kvh)").font("16px open sans, sans-serif")).labels(labels => labels.font("open sans, sans-serif").format("{0}")).color("#147c0c"))    .pdf(pdf => {;    })    .tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.font("open sans, sans-serif").visible(true).format("{0:n2}")) %>


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