xul - CSS linking XBL just removes methods of the tag -

i want extend xul browser tag methods whenever make link in css removes methods tag. can't tell if because uri wrong, or if xbl file wrong. simplest xbl must uri. hoping put bindings in "bindings" directory in chrome/content.

i have js calls loaduri method of browser tag in question working minute link binding it errors out telling me there no such method. remove css binding , works again.

#bwindow{   -moz-binding:     url("chrome://nameofmyapp/content/bindings/browser.xbl#sbrowser"); } 

the xbl did more complex when didn't work went simple one.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"         xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">          <binding id="sbrowser" extends="xul:browser">             <content><xul:label value="blah" /></content>          </binding> </bindings> 

the following chrome manifest. these seem work. skin does.

content nameofmyapp content/ skin nameofmyapp default/1.0 skin/default/ 

the browser tag looks this

<browser onload="browserload()" id="bwindow" type="content" src="about:blank" flex="1"/> 

again works fine until link in xbl css #bwindow


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