camera - how change quality of croped image in android -

i made android app can take picture gallery or camera.

everything fine, when crop image, size goes 160px*160px.

i'm confused why has changed size of picture....

private void docrop() {      final arraylist<cropoption> cropoptions = new arraylist<cropoption>();      intent intent = new intent("");     intent.settype("image/*");      list<resolveinfo> list = getactivity().getpackagemanager().queryintentactivities(intent, 0);      int size = list.size();      if (size == 0) {         toast.maketext(getactivity(), "no app crop", toast.length_short).show();          return;     } else {         intent.setdata(mimagecaptureuri);       //  intent.putextra("crop", "false");         intent.putextra("aspectx", 1);         intent.putextra("aspecty", 1);         intent.putextra("outputx", 800);         intent.putextra("outputy", 800);           intent.putextra("scale", false);         intent.putextra("return-data", true);          if (size == 1) {             intent = new intent(intent);             resolveinfo res = list.get(0);              i.setcomponent(new componentname(res.activityinfo.packagename,;               startactivityforresult(i, crop_from_camera);               //  muploadmessage.onreceivevalue( mimagecaptureuri);         } else {             (resolveinfo res : list) {                 final cropoption co = new cropoption();                  co.title = getactivity().getpackagemanager().getapplicationlabel(res.activityinfo.applicationinfo);                 co.icon = getactivity().getpackagemanager().getapplicationicon(res.activityinfo.applicationinfo);                 co.appintent = new intent(intent);                  co.appintent.setcomponent(new componentname(res.activityinfo.packagename,;                  cropoptions.add(co);             }              cropoptionadapter adapter = new cropoptionadapter(getactivity().getapplicationcontext(), cropoptions);              alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(getactivity());             builder.settitle("app crop?");             builder.setadapter(adapter, new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                 public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int item) {                     startactivityforresult(cropoptions.get(item).appintent, crop_from_camera);                 }             });                 alertdialog alert = builder.create();    ;         }     } } 


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