javascript - ng-repeat displaying only the last item -

i know mistake.

i receiving json object contains wordpress posts, when try render posts in dom, post 12 times in list, last item

<div ng-repeat="post in posts">      <h2 ng-bind-html="post.title"></h2>     <p>{{:: | date}}</p>  </div> 


$scope.posts = [];  $scope.dorefresh = function() {   $scope.posts = freshlypressed.getblogs($scope);   $scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshcomplete'); } $scope.dorefresh(); 

the service

.service('freshlypressed', function($http, $q) {  return {  getblogs: function($scope) {   var posts = [];   $http.get('')     .success(function(result) {       _.each(result, function(posts) {           console.log(posts.title);           $scope.posts = posts;         });       })     } }); 

_.each(result, function(posts) {    console.log(posts.title);    $scope.posts = posts; }); 

this mistake is. lodash loops through posts , and assigns $scope.posts 1 post each time, thats why last one.


$http.get('') .success(function(result) {     $scope.posts = result;   }) } 


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