oracle - ORA 12154 - unable to connect from toad/SQLplus -
when try connect database in tnsnames.ora file sqlplus throws
ora-12154: tns not resolve service name
i've checked stuff:
tns_admin environment variable defined "c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\admin" "c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\admin\tnsnames.ora" located following connect descriptor found my_db in tnsnames.ora file my_db= (description= (address= (protocol=tcp) (host=local.db) (port=1521) ) (connect_data= (sid=scmprod) ) ) "c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\admin\sqlnet.ora" located names.directory_path specifies tnsnames in sqlnet.ora file
the question is:
what missing?
now on sqlplus using the usr/pwd@selftest
connection string works
in can't error on server because on old pc still accept connection company works on it.
the tnsname.ora
selftest= (description= (address= (protocol=tcp) (host= (port=1521) ) (connect_data= (server=dedicated) (service_name=goldtest) ) )
the problem still exist trying connect toad oracle...
ora-12154: tns not resolve service name
my_db= (description= (address= (protocol=tcp) (host=local.db) (port=1521) ) (connect_data= (sid=scmprod) ) )
the error incorrect service name. see tnsnames.ora doesn't have service_name, rather have mentioned sid. cause of error.
you edit tnsnames.ora as:
scmprod = (description = (address_list = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = localhost)(port = 1521)) ) (connect_data = (service_name = scmprod) ) )
assuming, scmprod
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