webview - Responsive website on different android devices like tablets and mobiles with a clear image quality? -

i using webview display website url. actually, website contains text , images. when open app, automatically url accessed , can website directly. user can able click in home screen (on website) see products. have done program using webview.

i able see website through android app on samsung mobile device through programmatically. not able see clear website on different android devices tablet , mobile devices through apk. there other solution? please can suggest or me?

image not getting fitted webview when test on different android devices tablets.

i using image

how websites work webview (with image , text alignment built in website using bootstrap) please can suggest / me?

my code is,

wv=(webview)findviewbyid(r.id.webview1);     wv.setwebviewclient(new mywebviewclient());     string url="";     wv.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true);     wv.loadurl(url); }     private class mywebviewclient extends webviewclient {     @override     public boolean shouldoverrideurlloading(webview view, string url) {         view.loadurl(url);         return true;     } }    

in xml,

 <webview     android:id="@+id/webview1"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="fill_parent" /> 

in emulator, able see output not @ clear!

enter image description here enter image description here

reason is,

step 1: in html, height should set auto-fit or in pixels instead of percent. website url may support different android devices using webview. hence, webview engine has no advance feature. have used older webkit engine.

step 2: if not set heights in html mentioned above, can use chromium webview. has advanced features. example, if did not set heights in html auto-fit or in pixels automatically chromium webview scale height. above 4.4, chromium webview has been designed. if not give heights also, chromium webview automatically sets height in pixels. websites displaying on different android devices including tablets , mobiles.

these reasons - website has worked in samsung mobile device 4.4 version in other devices tablets , mobiles (lower versions) doesn't support it. image quality not good!


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