javascript - Dojo - how to I programatically modify dojo-props? -

i have toolbarbutton such:

<span data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/toolbarbutton"        data-dojo-props="label:'back', moveto:'config'" ></span> 

you can see have moveto property declared 'config' how can programatically change that?

i want reuse button want call function modify value of moveto.

kinda this:

<span data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/toolbarbutton" onclick="modifymoveto('somepath')"       data-dojo-props="label:'back', moveto:'config'" ></span> 

is part of template? if so, can give attach-point like

<span data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/toolbarbutton"      data-dojo-attach-point="mybutton"      data-dojo-props="label:'back', moveto:'config'" ></span> 

and change doing this:

this.mybutton.set("moveto", "somepath"); 

if not, can give id, 'mybutton', , code, use dojo's registry utility (dijit/registry), , this:

var btn = registry.byid("mybutton"); //this return widget btn.set("moveto", "somepath"); 


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