javascript - Nearest-neighbor interpolation in canvas (internet explorer 9) -
i've created simple image viewer (with grid , image) canvas (the image only) , svg-gridlines d3.js (simliar this). use zoom-function d3.js zoom , pan image/gridlines.
my image on canvas should use nearest-neighbor interpolation. i've set many style elements achieve goal. chrome , firefox works well, have problems internet explorer 9 (i need support ie9). in ie9 image blurred.
does internet explorer 9 repect nearest-neighbor interpolation canvas?
are settings correct?
my canvas code in d3.js:
canvas .attr("width", dx) .attr("height", dy) .attr("style", "outline: thin solid black;") .style("width", width + "px") .style("height", height + "px") .style("transform", "translate(" + marginleft + "px,0)") .style("image-rendering","-moz-crisp-edges") .style("image-rendering","-o-crisp-edges") .style("image-rendering","-webkit-optimize-contrast") .style("image-rendering","optimize-contrast") .style("image-rendering","pixelated") .style("-ms-interpolation-mode","nearest-neighbor") .call(drawimage);
this d3.js code should represent (mostly) css
img { image-rendering: optimizespeed; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; // firefox image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; // opera image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; // chrome (and safari) image-rendering: pixelated; // chrome image-rendering: optimize-contrast; // css3 proposed -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; // ie8+ }
this draw function
function drawimage(canvas2: any) { var context = canvas.node().getcontext("2d"); var image = context.createimagedata(dx, dy); (var y = 0, p = -1; y < dy; ++y) { (var x = 0; x < dx; ++x) { let pixval = heatmap[y][x]; var c = d3.rgb(color(pixval)); if(pixval <= min){ c = d3.rgb(255,255,255); }[++p] = c.r;[++p] = c.g;[++p] = c.b;[++p] = 255; } } context.mozimagesmoothingenabled = false; context.imagesmoothingenabled = false; //context.webkitimagesmoothingenabled = false; context.msimagesmoothingenabled = false; context.imagesmoothingenabled = false; context.putimagedata(image, 0, 0); imageobj.src = canvas.node().todataurl(); }
see notes on compatibility on mdn's image-rendering page (emphasis mine)
[1] internet explorer 7 , 8 supports non-standard -ms-interpolation-mode property 2 values (bicubic , nearest-neighbor):
applies images (jpg, gif, png, ...)
in ie7 images without transparency
does not inherit
default value ie7: nearest-neighbor (low quality)
default value ie8: bicubic (high quality)
obsolete of ie9
so looks answer no, ie9 doesn't support it.
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