python - Keep User and Group in same section in Django admin panel -

i have made own user model in django 1.8 with

from django.contrib.auth.models import abstractuser, group, permission  class myuser(abstractuser):     pass 

but not figure in admin longer.

i have tried adding admin page with

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, models auth_models django.contrib.auth.admin import useradmin  usermodel = get_user_model()  class myuseradmin(useradmin):     pass, myuseradmin) 

and figure in admin in different 'section' group. how can keep user in default section in admin panel?

you need add app_label meta class of myuser.

class myuser(abstractuser):     pass     class meta:         app_label = 'auth' 

official documentation on app_label.


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