shiny - Deploy R app in Error:parsing manifest [SOLVED] -

i want publish app in website. when run deployapp() got message:

error: unhandled exception: child task 32916512 failed: error parsing manifest: unsupported locale: 4409_4409.utf-8 execution halted

preparing deploy application...done uploading application bundle...done deploying application: 42336... waiting task: 32916511   error: parsing manifest ################################## begin log ##################################  ################################### end log ###################################  error: unhandled exception: child task 32916512 failed: error parsing manifest: unsupported locale: 4409_4409.utf-8 execution halted 
  • i read data txt file
  • i tried r version 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.0.2 still error there.
  • edit: found out, error appears when publish blank server.r simple ui.r

here codes , server.r

library(shiny) library(ggplot2) shinyserver(function(input,output){   output$graph <- renderplot({     if(input$radiobutton=="tools"){       x <- as.matrix(allskillsnum3[-1])        rownames(x) <- allskillsnum3[, 1]          p=barplot(t(x),horiz=true,legend.text = t,col=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8))               }     else{          x <- as.matrix(allskillsnum3[-1])       rownames(x) <- allskillsnum3[, 1]          p=barplot(t(x)...      }     print(p) }) }) 

may me fix it?

kind regards

it solved , andy kipp in googlegroups.... i'll put solution here other programmers

it because system locale in control panel set english(malaysia). chose english(united states)

control panel> clock, language , region > change location > administrative tab > change system locale

now, when run code:

> shinyapps:::systemlocale() detecting system locale ... en_us [1] "en_us" 

next step deploying app ... these steps :

options(shinyapps.locale.cache = false)  run:  shinyapps:::detectlocale()  re-deploy:  deployapp(...) 

good luck


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