android - Mail link open my app on specific URL -

i'm using crosswalk.
have hard restrictions speaking project i'll try clear possible.

when open app manually, webview load home index.html of website.
website used webrtc so, send invitation via e-mail specific url.

  • is possible open my own application url clicked ?

i checked <intent-filter> have no clue how deal url opening.

hope have solutions or clues.


<intent-filter>         <data android:scheme="https" android:host=""/>         <action android:name="android.intent.action.view"/>         <category android:name="android.intent.category.browsable"/>         <category android:name="android.intent.category.default"/> </intent-filter> 

with can open application when click on link, still need link url , set url loaded in xwalkview.

when click on that, app open good, know want xwalkview load this.

help :c

problem solved:

after setting <intent-filter> correclty, if use crosswalk ( work classic or cordova webview ) :

intent intent = getintent(); string link = intent.getdatastring(); xwalkwebview.clearcache(true); if(link!=null){     xwalkwebview.load(link, null); } else {     xwalkwebview.load("file:///android_asset/index.html", null); } 


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