How to run Windows phone 8 & 8.1 Unit tests in jenkins [Visual studio 2013] -

we use jenkins our ci, , im looking have jenkins run visual studio tests. ive figured out how have jenkins use vstest.console.exe desktop applications, im not sure how work windows phone 8.1 tests. i'm running vstest.console.exe against unit test project's appx file, im getting:

error: app package ...appx not has test executor entry point. running unit tests windows store apps, create app package using windows store app unit test library project.

any getting program work thorugh command line of big help, if there short cut run through jenkins better.

i found answer problem. make sure use /inisolation, , use /settings:{settingsfile}. reason vstest.console.exe cant run unit tests windows phone without setting settingsfile. in jenkins/vstestrunner there option set settings file. likley still error regarding running test in non-interactive way on jenkins, there few stackoverflow posts already.


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