AngularJS: Check user role to decide if user have permission to view pages or not -

i have problem authentication mechanism. have call api current user roles, check decide user can view pages of app. idea: call api in block , check:

angular.module('myapp') .run(['$rootscope', 'authenservice', '$location', function($rootscope, authenservice, $location) {     var currentuser;      function checkrole() {       if(angular.isdefined(currentuser) && angular.isobject(currentuser) && ... && currentuser.isadmin && $location.url() === '/dashboard') {         return true;       }       return false;     }     /*     ** @name: getcurrentuser     ** @description: current user info, use promise $q     */     authenservice.getcurrentuser()      .then(function getsuccess(currentuserinfo){        currentuser = currentuserinfo;        //if user not admin , current page not dashboard page, redirect dashboard page        if(!checkrole()) {          $location.path('/dashboard');        }       }, function geterror(){});      //when user go new path, check role if user have permission access new page or not     $rootscope.$on('$routechangestart', function onroutechange() {        if(!checkrole()) {          $location.path('/dashboard');        }     }) }]; 

my problem: while getcurrentuser api in progress (still not receive response server), code $rootscope.$on('$routechangestart') executed , redirects user dashboard page. should do? have idea/solution resolve problem? or how can wait response server , run userctrl controller(when user go /user, userctrl execute without checkrole because response hasn't been received).


the things want when user goes, call api user roles. request still in progress, somehow user goes, user page shows in web immediately(the requirement user can't see user page till request finishes). after request finished, user redirected if user doesn't have permission.


i show loading screen block app till request finished. thank help.

try using $q service:

angular.module('myapp') .run(['$rootscope', 'authenservice', '$location', '$q', function($rootscope, authenservice, $location, $q) {     var currentuser;      function checkrole() {       var defered = $q.defer();       if(angular.isdefined(currentuser) && angular.isobject(currentuser)){          defered.resolve(currentuser.isadmin && ($location.url() === '/dashboard'))        }else{           authenservice.getcurrentuser().then(function getsuccess(currentuserinfo){               currentuser = currentuserinfo;               defered.resolve(currentuser.isadmin && ($location.url() === '/dashboard'))            });       }       return defered.promise;     }      $rootscope.$on('$routechangestart', function onroutechange() {        checkrole().then(function(isadmin){          if(isadmin) $location.path('/dashboard');        })     }) }]; 


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