css3 - matchmedia polyfill implement -

how , why polyfill can work?

w.matchmedia = w.matchmedia || (function( doc, undefined ) {          var bool,             docelem = doc.documentelement,             refnode = docelem.firstelementchild || docelem.firstchild,             // fakebody required <ff4 when executed in <head>             fakebody = doc.createelement( "body" ),             div = doc.createelement( "div" );          div.id = "mq-test-1";         div.style.csstext = "position:absolute;top:-100em";         fakebody.style.background = "none";         fakebody.appendchild(div);          return function(q){              div.innerhtml = "&shy;<style media=\"" + q + "\"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>";              docelem.insertbefore( fakebody, refnode );             bool = div.offsetwidth === 42;             docelem.removechild( fakebody );              return {                 matches: bool,                 media: q             };          };      }( w.document )); 

paulirish alse implement in similar way, https://github.com/paulirish/matchmedia.js/blob/master/matchmedia.js

the key code following

info = ('getcomputedstyle' in window) && window.getcomputedstyle(style, null) || style.currentstyle;          stylemedia = {             matchmedium: function(media) {                 var text = '@media ' + media + '{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }';                  // 'style.stylesheet' used ie <= 8 , 'style.textcontent' other browsers                 if (style.stylesheet) {                     style.stylesheet.csstext = text;                 } else {                     style.textcontent = text;                 }                  // test if media query true or false                 return info.width === '1px';             }         }; 

both work same way.

they inject media pass parameter, , use aply predefined style (a width of 42 px first, , of 1px second),

if width of element predefined one, media working , function evaluates true


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