Python: Iteratively Writing to Excel Files -

python 2.7. i'm using xlsxwriter.

let's have mydict = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}

i need perform transformation on value , write result spreadsheet.

so write function create new file , put headers in there , formatting, don't close can write further next function.

then write function transforming dict values , writing them worksheet.

i'm noob when comes classes please forgive me if looks silly.

import xlsxwriter  class readwritespreadsheet(object):     def __init__(self, outputfile=none, writeworkbook=none,     writeworksheet=none):         self.outputfile = outputfile         self.writeworksheet = writeworksheet         self.writeworkbook = writeworkbook      # function works fine     def setup_new_spreadsheet(self):         self.writeworkbook = xlsxwriter.workbook(self.outputfile)         self.writeworksheet = self.writeworkbook.add_worksheet('my worksheet')         self.writeworksheet.write('a1', 'test')       # 1 not     def write_data(self):         # forget iterating through dict         self.writeworksheet.write('a5', mydict[1])  x = readwritespreadsheet(outputfile='test.xlsx') x.setup_new_spreadsheet() x.write_data() 

i get:

exception exception: exception('exception caught in workbook destructor. explicit close() may required workbook.',) in <bound method workbook.__del__ of <xlsxwriter.workbook.workbook object @ 0x00000000023fdf28>> ignored 

the docs error due not closing workbook, if close can't write further...

how structure class workbook , worksheet setup_new_spreadsheet() able written write_data()?

the exception mentioned in question triggered when python realises not need use workbook more in rest of code , therefore decides delete memory (garbage collection). when doing so, realise haven't closed workbook yet , not have persisted excel spreadsheet @ on disk (only happen on close assume) , raise exception.

if had method close on class did: self.writeworkbook.close() , made sure call last not have error.


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