jquery - Executing javascript code to accept terms and open next page -

i crawl javacode rendered website requires clicking on 'accept terms' button enter. using scrapy , splash , have tried execute javascript code using both splash endpoints 'render.html' , 'execute'. in both cases the output start page. why dosent work expected?

url = start page "accept terms" button.

url/index.aspx = page want render.

using render.html:

yield scrapy.request('url', self.parse, meta={ 'splash': {   'endpoint':'render.html','args': {'js_source': 'document.getelementbyid("acceptterms").click();', 'html': 1, 'wait': 0.5}}}) 

or using execute , lua:

lua_source_string = 'function main(splash) splash:go("url/index.aspx") splash:wait(0.5) splash:runjs("document.getelementbyid(\'acceptterms\').click();") return splash:html() end'  yield scrapy.request('url', self.parse, meta={ 'splash': { 'endpoint':'execute','args': {'lua_source' : lua_source_string}}}) 

'url' page rendered.

if follow example http://blog.scrapinghub.com/2015/03/02/handling-javascript-in-scrapy-with-splash/ , use following lua string jquery so:

lua_source_string = 'function main(splash) splash:autoload("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js") splash:go("url/index.aspx") splash:wait(0.5) splash:runjs("$(\'#acceptterms\').click();") return splash:html() end' 

or using jquery code so:

lua_source_string = 'function main(splash) splash:autoload("i/am/restricted/to/only/two/links/see/above/jquery.min.js") splash:go("url/index.aspx") splash:wait(0.5) splash:runjs("$(\'#acceptterms\').trigger(\'click\');") return splash:html() end' 

i same results. rendered page 'url'.

i had same problem. suggest use workaround:

function setup_casperjs(splash)     -- preload casperjs client utils.     -- __utils__ object compatible casperjs     splash:autoload("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n1k0/casperjs/master/modules/clientutils.js")     splash:autoload([[         window.__utils__ = new clientutils({});     ]]) end  function main(splash)     setup_casperjs(splash)     assert(splash:go(splash.args.url))     assert(splash:runjs("__utils__.click('#acceptterms')"))     splash:wait(0.5)     return splash:html() end 

see https://github.com/scrapinghub/splash/issues/200#issuecomment-112552839 more detailed explanation.


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