php - Need help to add second condition to existing code -

i trying add second condition existing code doesn't seem working.

the conditions are:

  1. compare 2 strings, different arrays (working)
  2. and check value of third string different array (not working)

here working code without second condition:

here attempt:

basically, bit trying working part && ($ca = '') && ($ca = '0') && ($ca = '1') seems $ca not able read outside loop

if(!function_exists('lookup')){ function lookup($chain, $type) {     $cacount = count($chain['tbscertificate']['extensions']);     for($j = 0; $j < $cacount; $j++) {         $count = count($chain['tbscertificate'][$type]['rdnsequence']);         $exists = array('utf8string', 'printablestring', 'teletexstring', 'bmpstring', 'universalstring', 'ia5string');         $oid = array('id-at-commonname');         for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {             foreach($exists $field) {                 if(                     array_key_exists($field, $chain['tbscertificate'][$type]['rdnsequence'][$i][0]['value']) &&                     in_array($chain['tbscertificate'][$type]['rdnsequence'][$i][0]['type'], $oid)                 ) {                     $value = $chain['tbscertificate'][$type]['rdnsequence'][$i][0]['value'][$field];                     return $value;                     $ca = '';                     if(isset($chain['tbscertificate']['extensions'][$j]['extnvalue']['ca'])) {                     $ca = $chain['tbscertificate']['extensions'][$j]['extnvalue']['ca'];                     }                 }             }         }     }     return null;     } }  if (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca == '')) {     echo 'end entity';     }  elseif (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca == '0')) {     echo 'secondary ca';     }  elseif (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca == '1')) {     echo 'primary ca';     } else {      echo 'root'; } 

you using =, sets value of $ca. should using === check value, instead.


if (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca === '')) {     echo 'end entity'; }  elseif (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca === '0')) {     echo 'secondary ca'; }  elseif (lookup($chain, 'subject') != lookup($chain, 'issuer') && ($ca === '1')) {      echo 'primary ca'; } else {      echo 'root'; } 


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