exception - Rollback strategy with maxRedeliveryAttempts and VM inbound configured does not redeliver messages -

my flow looks below, expect message redelivered 2 times ,

redelivery exhaused sad

logger printed. after component throws exception re delivery mechanism not kick in

rollback redelivery

<vm:connector name="vm" validateconnections="true" doc:name="vm" />   <flow name="triggerflow" >     <http:listener config-ref="orders_http_listener_configuration" path="/rollback" allowedmethods="get" doc:name="1080/rollback" />     <vm:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" path="txflow" doc:name="vm" connector-ref="vm" responsetimeout="60000">                           </vm:outbound-endpoint> </flow>  <flow name="txflow" >     <vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" path="txflow" doc:name="case1" connector-ref="vm" responsetimeout="60000">         <xa-transaction action="always_begin"/>     </vm:inbound-endpoint>     <scripting:component doc:name="groovy">         <scripting:script engine="groovy"><![cdata[throw new runtimeexception();]]></scripting:script>     </scripting:component>     <rollback-exception-strategy maxredeliveryattempts="3" doc:name="rollback exception strategy">         <logger message="will rollback #[payload]" level="info" doc:name="logger"/>         <on-redelivery-attempts-exceeded>             <logger message="redelivery exhaused sad " level="info" doc:name="logger"/>         </on-redelivery-attempts-exceeded>     </rollback-exception-strategy> </flow> 

i got answer after speaking mulesoft. updated flow should below, both vm's should one-way , processing strategy of txflow should synchronous. if vm request-reponse behaves more flow-ref no queue involved , hence no redelivery ...

enter image description here


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