windows - CMD-Batch line length. Possible to remove? If not, how to check for too long lines? -

still new cmd batch scripting...

i've got batch remove tab characters file. works great code:

 setlocal disabledelayedexpansion  /f "delims=" %%a in ('"findstr /n ^^ %filename%"') (    set "line=%%a"    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion     set "line=!line:*:=!"    if defined line (       set "line=!line:  =!"       (echo(!line!)>>%tempfile%    ) else echo(    endlocal ) 

but didn't delete tab character, whole line! figuered out must have unusual length of line (>9500 characters). if split line manually, works usual.

right i'm looking way either

  1. make code above work line lenght or
  2. insert check lines long process, batch can stop process , display appropiate message.

the problem long lines in batch files environment variables can store maximum of 8 kb. however, possible process longer lines in smaller chunks because when set /p command read long line, reads 1022 characters , remaining characters read next set /p command. batch file below use method (combined findstr /o "^" allows know length of lines) copy file lines of unlimited size:

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set "last=1022" < input.txt (    /f "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /o "^" input.txt') (       set /a "len=%%a-last-2, last=%%a, chunks=(len-1)/1022+1"       set "chunk="       /l %%i in (1,1,!chunks!) (          set /p "chunk="          set /p "=!chunk!" < nul       )       if !chunks! gtr 0 echo/    )    %%a in (input.txt) set /a "len=%%~za-last-2, chunks=(len-1)/1022+1"    set "chunk="    /l %%i in (1,1,!chunks!) (       set /p "chunk="       set /p "=!chunk!" < nul    )    echo/ ) > output.txt move /y output.txt input.txt 

this method requires input lines ends in cr+lf characters (windows standard) , have problems inherent set /p: may eliminate control characters end of line or end of each chunk of 1022 characters, or spaces beginning of line/chunk; further details @ this post. may modify program changing set /p "=!chunk!" < nul corresponding set /p "=!chunk: =!" < nul 1 in order eliminate tab characters.


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