cordova - Hybrid App platform & technology -

i'm full stack developer php, html5, css3, javascript, jquery, angular , enthusiast lear new technology.
got hybrid mobile app project(simpler few curd operations , web services) , plus web app well, need deliver possible. question choosing right tool right job.
hybrid app can build

  • platform: phonegap or cordova, cordova extension of phonegap per understanding.
  • technologies: plain html/css/jquery mobile or using of framework ionic angular.

so want know tools , technology building hybrid app preferable , easy learn faster.

i'm in traineeship , learn hybrid apps in 1 week , i'm in second year of computer science degree guess won't hard you.

first of all, if want "light" , complete solution can use cordova. documentation , have bunch of easy understandable exemple.
if have leave malus, encountered installation problems.

you can check crosswalk fast take in charge ( did 100% hybrid app in 2 days both interactions ).

i didn't try yet heard positive things ionic can't there.

hope :)


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