ios - Customizable curved Line Chart that can show image at various point -

curved line chart image @ given point

i getting trouble showing image on line chart @ point on chart & wanted implement curved line chart customizable color, width & type (shown in dotted line in image) & labels @ x axis & y axis.

i wanted know there ios libraries available provides kind of implementation.

i know duplicate question cause there lot of questions asked charts ios wanted know there library available there can fulfill above requirement & save me lot of time implementation.

so far got following libraries doing search on google.

  1. jbchartview
  2. bemsimplelinegraph
  3. pnchart

all off above provides line chart implementation not curved line chart have no provision showing image on chart @ specified point.

i new chart in ios appreciated.

thanks in advance.

following lines can add image @ given points(100,200), serve purpose drawing image.

i have developed sample chart library in need, kindly go through it. download library here

uiimage *image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"smiley.png"]; [image drawatpoint:cgpointmake(100,200)]; 


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