extjs - ExtJS5 Namespace Confusion -

i confused on namespaces in extjs5 application. using common folder under sencha workspace keep code using multiple pages (multiple spa's). in 1 application definition have following snippet:

ext.define('admin.application', {     extend: 'ext.app.application',        name: 'admin',     namespaces: ['alt'],     requires:[         'alt.globallib', ..... 

in common/src folder have file called altgloballib.js following snippet:

ext.define('alt.globallib',{     extend: 'ext.app.controller', /**/ /** custom field manipulation methods /**/     ... 

the file loaded warning the namespace alt.globallib missing , add application class namespace properties.possible firm example of how separate common code rest of apps? thanks!

i think need setpath , designate name , folder.

check out docs on this. , particular setpath on ext.loader in api docs

here example:

ext.loader.setpath('namespace', '../path/to/files'); 


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