java - Spring error converting nvarchar to bigint -

i'm getting error whenever try save object.

the field causing error string mapped varchar(200) in database.
name of field localcontact.

here's code:

@entity @table(name = "site", uniqueconstraints = { @uniqueconstraint(columnnames = { "site_country_id", "site_name" }) }) @audited(targetauditmode = relationtargetauditmode.not_audited, withmodifiedflag = true) public class site implements isite {  /** constant serialversionuid. */ private static final long serialversionuid = -390717603276436784l;  /** id. */ @id @generatedvalue(strategy = @column(name = "site_id", unique = true, nullable = false) private long id;  /** site address. */ @column(name = "site_address", length = businessconstants.site_address) private string address;  /** site analog phone number. */ @column(name = "site_analog_phone_number", length = businessconstants.site_analog_phone_number) private string analogphonenumber;  /** site comment. */ @column(name = "site_comment", length = businessconstants.site_comment) private string comment;  /** site entity code. */ @digits(integer = 3, fraction = 0, message = "please enter max 3 digits") @column(name = "site_entity_code", nullable = false) private long entitycode;  /** site invoice code. */ @digits(integer = 10, fraction = 0, message = "please enter max 10 digits") @column(name = "site_invoice_code", nullable = false) private long invoicecode;  /** site local phone. */ @column(name = "site_local_it_phone", length = businessconstants.site_local_it_phone) private string localitphone;  /** site name. */ @notblank @column(name = "site_name", nullable = false, length = businessconstants.site_name) private string sitename;  /** site subnet. */ @notblank @column(name = "site_subnet", nullable = false, length = businessconstants.site_subnet) private string subnet;  /** site user number. */ @digits(integer = 4, fraction = 0, message = "please enter max 4 digits") @column(name = "site_user_number") private long usernumber;  /** business. */ @valid @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "site_business_id", nullable = false) private business business;  /** country. */ @valid @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.eager) @joincolumn(name = "site_country_id") private country country;  /** local contact. */ @column(name = "site_local_contact", nullable = true, length = businessconstants.local_contact) private string localcontact; //the field cause error  /** local it. */ @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "site_local_it", nullable = true) private user localit;  /** rif. */ @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "site_rif", nullable = true) private user rif;  /** status. */ @valid @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "site_status_id", nullable = false) private status status;  /** end date. */ @column(name = "site_end_date") @temporal(temporaltype.timestamp) @datetimeformat(iso = iso.date_time) private date enddate = null;  @manytomany(targetentity = user.class, mappedby = "usersites", fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @notaudited private set<iuser> siteusers;  /**  * gets local contact.  *  * @return local contact  */ public string getlocalcontact() {     return this.localcontact; }  /**  * sets local contact.  *  * @param localit new local contact  */ public void setlocalcontact(string localcontact) {     this.localcontact = localcontact; } 

my jsp :

<td class="label"><spring:message code="site.localcontact" /></td>         <td class="value">             <form:input path="site.localcontact"></form:input>         </td> 

my dao:

public void savesite(isite siteobj){     assert.notnull(siteobj);     merge((site) siteobj); } 


the error being thrown is:

caused by: error converting data type nvarchar bigint

i found error,

i have table making historic of site named site_aud , field site_local_contact in bigint.


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