Python 3 Socket, can't receive data (encode, decode) -
i have game , working networking make multiplayer. created custom module (not best in way), convert 2 values (xy) -1048576 +1048576 , value 0 60 (health), 6 characters. in 6 bytes send information.
but working in python 2, in python 3 discovered couldn't send 'str' characters, used '.encode()' before sending , '.decode()' before using in of functions. doesn't seem work.
i not sure do. help?
#import modules sys import version_info #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #funtions #binary string characters def bintomsg(text): if version_info[0] <= 2: return "".join(chr(int(text[i:i+8], 2)) in range(0, len(text), 8)) else: data = "".join(chr(int(text[i:i+8], 2)) in range(0, len(text), 8)) return data.encode() #characters binary string def msgtobin(text): if version_info[0] <= 2: return "".join('{:08b}'.format(ord(c)) c in text) else: text = text.decode() return "".join('{:08b}'.format(ord(c)) c in text) #corrects 0's values in binary strings def fixdigit(text, digits): lenth = digits - len(text) loop in range(lenth): text = "0" + text return text #data characters def datatomsg(x,y,health): if health >= 2**6 or health < 0: return none bins = fixdigit(bin(health)[2:],6) cord in (x,y): if cord >= 2**20: return none if cord < 0: bins += "0" else: bins += "1" bins += fixdigit(bin(int(str(cord).replace("-","")))[2:],20) return bintomsg(bins) #characters data def msgtodata(msg): bins = msgtobin(msg) data = {"health":int(bins[:6],2)} data["x"] = int(bins[7:27],2) data["y"] = int(bins[28:48],2) if bins[6] == "0": data["x"] *= -1 if bins[27] == "0": data["y"] *= -1 return data
this used this...
player = {"x":-1234,"y":5678,"health":23} ... connection.send(datatomsg(player["x"],player["y"],player["health"])) ... print(msgtodata(connection.recv(6)) ... output: {"x":-1234,"y":5678,"health":23}
when string encoded in utf-8 (default encoding) length increases. if set connection.recv() 6, wouldn't not receive information. chopped pieces. when decode it give error.
to maintain same length found useful encode "cp037".
string.encode("cp037") ... string.decode("cp037")
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