Split function vba -

i attempting take user input , split each bit of input using comma. trying use -

   includer = cstr(inputbox("do have inclusions? separate words commas"))         inclusion = split(includer, ",", , vbtextcompare) 

with no luck.

it keeps throwing 'type mismatch' error.

the full code attempting use, interested, is-

option compare text  public sub textchecker() ' ' textchecker ' ' keyboard shortcut: ctrl+h ' dim continue long dim findwhat string dim lastline long dim tocopy boolean dim cell range dim item long dim j long dim x long dim sheetindex long dim inclusion() string   sheetindex = 2  continue = vbyes     while continue = vbyes          findwhat = cstr(inputbox("what word search today?"))         includer = cstr(inputbox("do have inclusions? separate words commas"))         inclusion = split(includer, ",", , vbtextcompare)          lastline = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count         if findwhat = "" exit sub         j = 1     item = 1 lastline         each cell in range("by1").offset(item - 1, 0)             if instr(cell.text, findwhat) <> 0 , instr(cell.text, inclusion(x)) <> 0                 tocopy = true              end if         next         if tocopy = true             sheets(sheetindex).name = ucase(findwhat) + "+" + lcase(inclusion(x))             rows(item).copy destination:=sheets(sheetindex).rows(j)             j = j + 1         end if         tocopy = false     next item     sheetindex = sheetindex + 1     continue = msgbox(((j - 1) & " results copied, have more keywords enter?"), vbyesno + vbquestion) loop end sub 


dim inclusion string 


dim inclusion() string 'recommended in opinion 


dim inclusion variant 


i see use of inclusion later in code. looks need iterate on new array.

dim x long 'put @ top, rename you'd like. x = lbound(inclusion) ubound(inclusion)    'do stuff inclusion(x), other code here before i'm not sure right anymore. next  

edit 2

        item = 1 lastline             if ubound(insulation) >= 0                 'write procedure when inclusion present             else                 'write 2nd procedure when inclusions not present             end if         next item 


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