windows - Bamboo remote build agent cannot find powershell.exe after installing nodejs -

i installed nodejs on 1 of build servers (win server 2008 r2) hosts bamboo remote agent. after completing installation , doing reboot got stuck in following situation:

the remote bamboo build agent running windows service user mydomain\myuser. when build inline powershell task executing fails error (from build agent log):

com.atlassian.utils.process.processnotstartedexception: powershell not started ... cannot run program "powershell" ... createprocess error=2, system cannot find file specified 

loggin on server mydomain\myuser, have checked powershell in path:

where powershell c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe 

i have tried restart service , reboot machine multiple times. no luck. thing works if execute scripts bat file absolute path powershell - not want that.

i have searched solutions on this, though 1 seems related: hudson cannot find powershell after update powershell 3 - proposed solutions not work.

what missing here?

if default installation of nodejs see adds nodejs , npm path. have seen installer adds user variable named path - might bamboo agent decides read user path without "merging" system path. think worth try give look.


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