javascript - When did affix class change back to affix-top in bootstrap? Please help, still waiting -

i have right widget id rightsidewidget.

<div data-spy="affix"  id="rightsidewidget" >      // code here </div> 

i set js this:

if ($('#rightsidewidget').length > 0) {     var         topoffset = $('#rightsidewidget').offset().top;          $('#rightsidewidget').affix({             offset: {                 // want rightsidewidget affixed when it's 110px                 // page top, because have fixed navbar @ top                 // has 110 px height                 top: topoffset - 110             }         })         .on('', function() {             window.console.log($(window).scrolltop());         }); } 

this code works fine, rightsidewidget has class affix-top when page load, , when it's 110px page top, class change affix-top affix, expected.

please check video here, remember scroll down view class change:

but when scroll up, rightsidewidget's class affix didn't change affix-top when it's 110px page top.

what did:

i console log point change affix-top, around 55px, please check video.

what want:

i want rightsidewidget change affix-top become affix, in case, 110px.

i know how set class manually when rightsidewidge it's 110px page top via jquery, think it's not designed make people manually, bootstrap affix should works fine itself.

so idea why happening?



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