performance - Android fetching phone number, name and photo from contacts taking too much time -

this code fetching contacts, name , photo contact list taking time in fetching these.

so problem if user has more 500 contacts taking time how decreasing fetching time.

i have seen many posts on stack overflow unable find solution.

public void fetchcontacts() {         list = new arraylist<persondetails>();              string phonenumber = null;             //uri content_uri = contactscontract.contacts.content_uri;             uri content_uri=;             string _id = contactscontract.contacts._id;             string display_name = contactscontract.contacts.display_name;             string has_phone_number = contactscontract.contacts.has_phone_number;             uri phonecontent_uri =;             string phone_contact_id =;             string number =;             // stringbuffer output = new stringbuffer();              string[] projection = new string[] {                     contactscontract.contacts._id,                     contactscontract.contacts.display_name,                     contactscontract.contacts.has_phone_number, };             string selection = contactscontract.contacts.has_phone_number                     + "='1'";              contentresolver contentresolver = getcontentresolver();             cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(content_uri, projection,                     selection, null, null);              // loop every contact in phone                 if (cursor.getcount() > 0) {                  while (cursor.movetonext()) {                     //log.e("i", + "");                     persondetails persondetails = null;                     string contact_id = cursor.getstring(cursor                             .getcolumnindex(_id));                      string name = cursor.getstring(cursor                             .getcolumnindex(display_name));                      int hasphonenumber = integer.parseint(cursor                             .getstring(cursor                                     .getcolumnindex(has_phone_number)));                      if (hasphonenumber > 0) {                          // query , loop every phone number of                         // contact                         string phone_projection[] = new string[] { phone.number };                         cursor phonecursor = contentresolver.query(                                 phonecontent_uri, phone_projection,                                 phone_contact_id + " = ?",                                 new string[] { contact_id }, null);                          while (phonecursor.movetonext()) {                              phonenumber = phonecursor.getstring(phonecursor                                     .getcolumnindex(number));                              // output.append("\n phone number:" +                             // phonenumber);                          }                          phonecursor.close();                          if (phonenumber != null                                 && phonenumber.length() >= 10) {                             uri ur = null;                             try {                                 uri person = contenturis                                         .withappendedid(                                                 contactscontract.contacts.content_uri,                                                 long.parselong(contact_id));                                 ur = uri.withappendedpath(                                         person,                               ;                             } catch (numberformatexception e) {                                 // todo auto-generated catch block                                 e.printstacktrace();                             }                              persondetails = new persondetails();                             if (name != null) {                                 persondetails.setname(name);                             }                             if (phonenumber != null) {                                 //log.e("phone", phonenumber);                                 persondetails.setsocialid(phonenumber);                             }                             if (ur != null) {                                 //log.e("uri", ur.tostring());                                 persondetails.setphotourl(ur.tostring());                             }                             persondetails.setsocialflag(5);                         }                      }                     if (persondetails != null) {                         list.add(persondetails);                     }                 }              }             try {                 if (cursor != null) {                     cursor.close();                 }             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         } 


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