typescript - Provide lodash with mixins globally via webpack.ProvidePlugin -

i have lodash mixins want provide webpack.provideplugin, e.g:

import * _ 'lodash'; export {_}; _.mixin({   capitalize: function (input: string) {   bla...   } }) 

i'm using typescript webpack.

in webpack.config.js have:

lodashplugin = new webpack.provideplugin({   _: 'common/lodash_mixins' }) 

when try use _.capitalize(string),

typeerror: _.capitalize not function

when log '_' see capitalize in fact function on object.

what missing here?

you exporting _ named export, require import { _ } from 'common/lodash_mixins';, provideplugin expects export single object. should using default export instead.

export default _; 

see default export.


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