javascript - Defining functions on scope from a remote controller on the same server -

i working on project, framework renders data defined in layouts (screens) in format of jsons. example, write ,

{      name : "first name",       row : "1" ,      type: "text box" } 

it render text box label "first name".

i have central service root scope of entire framwork. requirement -

  1. user/developer write own controller , html on same server outside of framework code.

  2. to controller pass $scope , define new methods , provide html need render.

  3. this html use functions on scope can either f/w or controller.

i have explored -

  1. angular ajax -

  2. angoose -

i not sure if design correct. need in different way ? or there way achieve have designed.

thanks in advance.

if 1 stumbles on question , how solved

our application build structure maven related. placed these custom services , html on same server , wrote automation program include these files based on inputs in properties files.

once inclusion out of way , angular injector did rest of adding service dynamically , html 'ng-include'-ed.

for explore angular based solution please check out -


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