nlp - How to iterate through the synset list generated from wordnet using python 3.4.2 -

i using wordnet find synonyms particular word shown below

synonyms = wn.synsets('good','a') 

where wn wordnet. returns list of synsets

synset('good.a.01')     synset('full.s.06')     synset('good.a.03')     synset('estimable.s.02')     synset('beneficial.s.01') 


how iterate through each synset , name , pos tag of each synset?

you can name , pos tag of each synset this:

from nltk.corpus import wordnet wn  synonyms = wn.synsets('good','a')  synset in synonyms:     print(     print(synset.pos()) 

the name combination of word, pos , sense, such 'full.s.06'. if want word, can split on dot '.' , take first element:



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