magento - How to change the invoice price manually? is it possible or not? -

magento generated invoice order. client asking change invoice price in manually possible or not?

try following, module's config.xml

<sales_order_invoice_save_after>     <observers>         <sales_order_invoice_save_after>             <class>your_module/observer</class>             <method>invoicesaveafter</method>         </sales_order_invoice_save_after>     </observers> </sales_order_invoice_save_after> 

your observer.php

public function invoicesaveafter(varien_event_observer $observer) {         $invoice = $observer->getevent()->getinvoice();         if ($invoice->getbasedonateamount()) {             $order = $invoice->getorder();             //do stuff here         }         return $this;     } 

more information


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