SQL Join Tables and Inner Joins? -

i have 3 tables. products, steps , pictures.

  • products fields: id, name
  • steps fields: id, productid, description
  • pictures fields: id, stepid, picture

i'm working microsoft visual studio , razor i'm using example urldata load correct tables , fields in db. www.example.com/id=1 (shows product #1)

var productid = urldata[0].asint(); var product = db.querysingle("select * steps id = @0", productid); 

i have been able pull data wanted display problem im using simple +1 urldata or -1 urldata go next step or backwards. not work if step deleted , website not stop @ end of steps product.

i'm @ point believe need use join tables need display data above 3 tables using urldata.

i have created test join table ex: "jointest" fields: id, pictureid, stepid, productid

how query table display of data above in first paragraph?

more examples of razor queries:

string description = product.description; var step = db.querysingle("select * products id = @0", product.productid); var steps = db.query("select id, stepname steps productid = @0", productid).tolist(); var photos = db.query("select id, filetitle pictures stepid = @0", productid).tolist(); 

you don't need add new table this. new field nextstepid or stepseqnum existing steps table. need add current step url.


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