ios - ADInterstitialAd causing memory issues -

i've been developing iphone / ipad game using sprite kit , in between each round load interstitial advert.

the interstitial loaded on main gameviewcontroller , sits on top of skview. use series of observers trigger , cancel adverts , seems work fine.

however, i've noticed serious memory issues , after 4 or 5 rounds app crash. appears directly related iad interstitial. i've attached code , can see i'm deallocating objects, memory foot print not seem drop. using arc too.

does know causing issue? did read here: iad & admob heavy on memory webkit view seems hold on contents. need find way fix this, code gameviewcontroller follows:

#pragma mark - game load -(void)loadstartscreen{     _theview = (skview *) self.view;     _theview.showsfps = yes;     _theview.showsnodecount = yes;     //sprite kit applies additional optimizations improve rendering performance     _theview.ignoressiblingorder = yes;      // create , configure scene.     _thescene = [mainmenuscene scenewithsize:_theview.bounds.size];     _thescene.scalemode = skscenescalemodeaspectfill;     _thescene.backgroundcolor = [uicolor graycolor];      // present scene     [_theview presentscene:_thescene];      // setup observer     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(requestfullscreenad) name:@"requestadvert" object:nil];     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(showfullscreenad) name:@"showadvert" object:nil];     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(canceladverts) name:@"canceladvert" object:nil]; }  #pragma mark - advert creation , support -(void)requestfullscreenad {     // run process on main thread in background queue     dispatch_async(bgqueue, ^{         if (_requestingad == no) {             _interstitial = [[adinterstitialad alloc]init];             _interstitial.delegate = self;             self.interstitialpresentationpolicy = adinterstitialpresentationpolicymanual;             nslog(@"ad request");             _requestingad = yes;         }     }); }  -(void)showfullscreenad{     if (_adloaded) {         cgrect interstitialframe = self.view.bounds;         interstitialframe.origin = cgpointmake(0, 0);         _adview = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:interstitialframe];         [self.view addsubview:_adview];          [_interstitial presentinview:_adview];          _button = [uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontypecustom];         [_button addtarget:self action:@selector(closead:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchdown];         _button.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor];         [_button setbackgroundimage:[uiimage imagenamed:kclosead] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];         _button.frame = cgrectmake(10, 10, 40, 40);         _button.alpha = 0.75;         [_adview insertsubview:_button abovesubview:_adview];          [uiview beginanimations:@"animateadbanneron" context:nil];         [uiview setanimationduration:1];         [_adview setalpha:1];         [uiview commitanimations];     } }  -(void)closead:(id)sender {     [uiview beginanimations:@"animateadbanneroff" context:nil];     [uiview setanimationduration:1];     [_adview setalpha:0];     [uiview commitanimations];      _adview=nil;     _requestingad = no;     _button = nil;     _interstitial.delegate = nil;     _interstitial = nil;      // notification ad complete     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotificationname:@"adclosed" object:nil];  }  -(void)canceladverts{     [_interstitial cancelaction];     _adview=nil;     _requestingad = no;     _button = nil;     _interstitial.delegate = nil;     _interstitial = nil; }  #pragma mark - iad delegate -(void)interstitialad:(adinterstitialad *)interstitialad didfailwitherror:(nserror *)error {     [_interstitial cancelaction];     _adview=nil;     _requestingad = no;     _button = nil;     _interstitial.delegate = nil;     _interstitial = nil;     nslog(@"ad didfailwitherror");     nslog(@"%@", error);      // request advert if failed     //[self requestfullscreenad]; }  -(void)interstitialaddidload:(adinterstitialad *)interstitialad {     if (interstitialad.loaded) {         _adloaded = yes;         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]postnotificationname:@"adloaded" object:nil];     }     nslog(@"ad didload"); }  -(void)interstitialaddidunload:(adinterstitialad *)interstitialad {     [self closead:nil];     nslog(@"ad didunload"); }  -(void)interstitialadactiondidfinish:(adinterstitialad *)interstitialad {     [self closead:nil];     nslog(@"ad didfinish"); } 

then in level complete skscene:

#pragma mark - scene appears -(void)didmovetoview:(skview *)view {     // request advert if advert removal not purchased     if (![[[userdetails sharedmanager]iapadsremoved]boolvalue]) {         // send request ad notification         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]postnotificationname:@"requestadvert" object:nil];         // add loaded notification         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]addobserver:self selector:@selector(adloaded) name:@"adloaded" object:nil];         // add completed         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]addobserver:self selector:@selector(adshowcompleted) name:@"adclosed" object:nil];     }      // setup ui     [self createui];      if (![[unlockcontroller sharedmanager]allunlocksopen]) {         // check unlocks         [[unlockcontroller sharedmanager]checkunlocks:[[userdetails sharedmanager]usertotalscore]+[[userdetails sharedmanager]userlevelscore]];          // next unlock         [self getnextunlockscore];          // set bar correct increment         [unlockbar setbarvalues:[[userdetails sharedmanager]usertotalscore]+[[userdetails sharedmanager]userlevelscore] increment:[[userdetails sharedmanager]usertotalscore] nextobject:nextscore];     }     else{         [self allunlocksopen];     }      // pre add button     preadbuttonpress = 3;      // variables     startcount = 0;     unlockitemscount = 0;     allunlocks = [[unlockcontroller sharedmanager]finalunlockopen];      // start unlocks sequence     [self performselector:@selector(runrewards) withobject:nil afterdelay:1.0]; }  -(void)willmovefromview:(skview *)view{     // cancel adverts     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]postnotificationname:@"canceladvert" object:nil];     // remove observers     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]removeobserver:@"adclosed"];     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]removeobserver:@"adloaded"]; } 

was memory issue core code rather iad causing memory leaks.


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