php - Facebook - Fan page Tab & registration -

i have site require social registration , login have set facebook app , integrated laravel , socialite.

now need allow users visit site , vote images ( allowed registered user) in facebook fun page tab.

is possibile? can use same app id have created social login or should create tab app , include facebook js sdk?

which best workflow situation?

it sure possible. 1 way check if user logged in before visiting route can done this. example laravel 5.0

route::get('facebook-fun-page-tab', ['middleware' => 'auth', function() {     // authenticated users may enter... }]);  //or if use controller route::get('facebook-fun-page-tab', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'profilecontroller@show']); 

and yes use same facebook id. more on laravel authentucation , protecting routes. more on middleware.

one workflow this: 1. login in user/register facebook 2. after login, redirect user vote-image page


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